Sunday, May 24, 2009

Starbucks Recycled Coffee Bag Wallet ...

Today I slept in, then took a long walk and got a great cup of Costa Rican coffee at Grant's Market in Golden Hill. Spent time with Jon and the girls. And I made something new from something old ... it was a very good day!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Hot off the press ...

h31 letter A letter N D letter M hAppybirthday D E is for Public Gardens letter R E V with clouds Letter O Wood Scrabble Tile L U T I letter O Headstone Capital Letter \"N\" (Elkridge, MD)

My crafty sista's and I ... "The Handmade Revolution" will have a booth selling our handmade wares at;

The 11th Annual San Diego
The Old House Fair
Saturday, June 20th 2009
10 am to 4 pm

The event will feature a historic home tour, children’s activities and crafts, community booths, food vendors, and many local artists. The fair will take place over two blocks in South Park intersecting at 30th and Beech Streets. Entrance to the Old House Fair is free. Hope you can stop by!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Creativity ...

I'm not Mormon, and I don't think it matters what religion you are to appreciate this beautiful message for all of our souls.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Invisible Thread ...

Last week marked the end of Volume 4 of Heroes ... I was happy with the ending and am looking forward to Volume 5 "Redemption". I especially love the last voiceover by Mohinder. I've found the transcript and wanted to share it with you to ponder.

We are all connected, joined together by an invisible thread, infinite in its potential and fragile in its design. Yet while connected, we are also merely individuals, empty vessels to be filled with infinite possibilities, an assortment of thoughts, beliefs, a collection of disjointed memories and experiences. Can I be me without these? Can you be you? And if this invisible threat that holds us together were to sever, to cease—what then? What will become of billions of lone, disconnected souls? Therein lies the great quest of our lives: To find, to connect, to hold on. For when our hearts are pure and our thoughts in line, we are all truly one, capable of repairing our fragile world and creating a universe of infinite possibilities.