I found an interesting blog that took on this "taboo" subject. The question was asked; "What is something you feel you can’t say in church, or around other Christians?"
For example … mine would be;
I don't enjoy traditional worship music. I don't like the new "let's wear a name tag" idea.
Here's a sampling of the one's that I enjoyed reading. I love the honesty!
I like this country club. The membership dues are cheaper than the ones with the golf courses.
I always look to see what everyone else is wearing at church and then feel happy when I am dressed prettier than my friends.
That sometimes when there is a dramatic pause in my message, and I look like I’m waiting on God to give me something really powerful to say, I’m not. In reality I’m just wondering if I zipped up my zipper before I went up on stage.
And one that I find so sincere;
I feel suffocatingly alone, almost all the time. I am politically apathetic, and can’t stand almost any true republican I meet. I am a pacifist. I don’t like Christian music. I don’t want to convert anyone. My greatest fear is dying. I love saying the word shit. I think women are absolutely equal to men. I don’t see anything resembling our modern church in the New Testament. I don’t think tithing (even though it pays our salaries) is a New Testament principle. I kinda think televangelists could be some sort of sub-human race. I think you can be Christian and gay. I am becoming increasingly irritated at God for how invisible He is. Sometimes the only thing that soothes this ache is a night drinking with friends. I wish we could quit the ministry and never look back, because maybe there is a church out there that I could love and that could love me and maybe we could figure this life thing out together.
Thanks for the link, and the picture to go with it is great too, although it kind of makes me hurt a little.
Here's some that stood out to me...
How I feel more alone than ever, when someone gets up to the mic and talks about the deep friendships that can be found in church small/care groups . . . and that just has NOT been my experience.
I had an abortion. No, I am not proud of it but would you still accept me if you knew?
When I’m leading worship, I sometimes think of all 31 flavors of ice cream at Baskin Robbins.
That law is easier than grace … just tell me what to do and not do and I’ll give it my best shot.
Grace is too big, to wide open and scary.
That I am in over my head
Raising my hand:
“Umm, pastor… I have a question.”
Why are so many Christian families doing wrong by their kids and homeschooling them?
OK so I was not going to comment. Then I read the comments on her blog and I could not resist. Here are my top 3
1. Please let me use my gifts instead of trying to smash this square peg into a round hole. And when I don’t fit into your round hole, don’t toss me aside like a rag. Just because I’m shy and not good with kids doesn’t mean I’m without gifts to use for the Kingdom.
Note to church leaders: don’t assume that you are easily reached or approachable. And when someone does come to you with a concern, really listen and then follow up with them.
Technology is wonderful, when it works. Always be ready for glitches though. Worshiping a capella without amplification can be even more moving than having all the bells and whistles. If someone on your worship team can’t sing without accompaniment, then they really can’t sing very well at all.
2. A lot of this makes me sad b/c I do say what I think/feel. And I make friends like crazy. Not that I’m pumping sunshine up my own butt, but try it sometime. Just say it. You will be more respected for saying it than you will for not saying it. If you don’t say it, you’re just as fake as they are. Right?
Here’s a go — all of this can be found on my blog btw — I’m very public.
1) I am divorced and remarried
2) I have genital herpes
3) I have 2 tattoos
4) I like Mikes Hard Lemonade
5) My husband is great at sex
6) I think women who make other women feel less than a Christian are militant Christians and I don’t want to be their friend anyway.
3. …”stop whining about your awful life and DO something about it - kill yourself, I don’t care, I’m tired of listening to you and taking care of you and being a ’supportive christian friend’” That’s really bad isn’t it? Yeh, it is.
So after I read them. I think I have said most of it in one way or the other. Cause really, not much I don't say :)
P.S. that kill yourself part I would not say...but the rest HELL YES!
Sharon, I love your honesty and BTW I love you even more now!!! - S
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