Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A few of the random things I love ...

I like! by sophiacarolina


Sharon G said...

WHY??? Now that is not to sound like "Why the heck do you like those strange things (not saying that did not cross my mind)?" Instead saying it like "Wow, that is kind of an intersting collection. What is the meaning behind them for you?"

Now You do not have to answer on all of them, but a few of them would be nice :)

Sharon G said...

P.S. Been meaning to tell you I LOVE you new photo...much better

Sharon G said...


Not saying that the old one was bad. This one is just much better.

See you can get more than one comment (sorry it's from the same dork)

Sophia said...

Let's just say I like weird things. The more unique the better. Also, I love cultural diversity, both with people and food.

What you see in the collage are the following:

Sushi - I love it all.

Maneki is the Japanese "Lucky Cat"

Coffee - you already knew that

Vintage Mexican Art

Old dolls; especially Blythe dolls from the 70's, their eyes change color. Kinda creepy but cute.

Mexican Calaveras and anything related to "Day of the Dead"

Pop Surrealism Art (hence the girl with the octopus)

I like anime and manga art; the little cactus girl character is from Toki Doki a japanese toy manufacturer.

Gnomes; their cute and creepy at the same time. Kind of goes with my love of big headed, big eyed dolls

Vintage childrens book illustrations; I love kid art. And the girl running with the birds reflects my love of whimsical, colorful stuff.

So there it is. It's just a peek into my strange little mind. I'll post a picture in just a minute of one of my favorite Pop Surrealist artists' work. Then you just might run away screaming LOL!