Monday, November 10, 2008

On the roof ...

We just got back from another great weekend of home building in Colonia de San Bernardo. Our Terra Nova Church team finished the home just in the nick of time before the rain hit. I'll soon have more to tell you about this past weekend in Tijuana, but just wanted to share this picture of Jon & the girls on the roof of the home ... we all had such a fun and rewarding experience. Hope you can join us on the next trip in Spring 2009!


Anonymous said...

Hi Sophia-
I just happened to come across your blog while looking for your Margarita recipe (-; and I just miss you so much!! I love what you all are doing and feel like you guys are exactly where you should be. Tell jon he is an amazing artist. Give hugs to the girls!!

Sophia said...

Hi there! Emily and I were just talking about you guys =) There weren't any other girls Em's age on this PMex trip and she said "wouldn't it be cool if Renee could come again?" We really do miss your family too.

Yep, San Diego is an interesting place, I really like it. I think it really fits us in so many ways.

Thanks so much for checking in, it's great to hear from you. Hugs to all of you =) S