Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Who's Gonna Build The Wall? ...

I recently found this on a blog somewhere, I wish I could remember which one;

As the border wall cuts the land, it cuts the communities of the border and tries to create differences among them. This wall, imposed upon us by those who do not live here, is said to be a form of “security” but there can be no security when division and hate are created.

Since I now live in San Diego, this is a pretty hot topic so I hear both sides of the issue regularly.

But, I was especially reminded today of the injustice of this line we have drawn between the U.S. and Mexico, when Natalie, my daughter, told me how unfair she thinks it is that her friend Karla who lives in Tijuana can never, ever visit her. Well, I think Natalie has every right to be sad about that, and I wish more people understood this issue beyond what what our media portrays.

So with that little exchange on my mind, I wanted to share this video from a few years back, but it's oh so relevant for today. I like that it's tongue in cheek and it's even a catchy tune. Enjoy!

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