Monday, March 30, 2009

Chasing Dreams ...

Most Americans when asked which day of the week they dislike most will say "Monday". When asked the reason, most would say "because I have to go back to work or school". If a person dislikes Monday because of school or work, maybe they are in the wrong job or studying the wrong courses and probably should look for something that enables them to enjoy Mondays - and every other day for that matter.

You can spend most of your life doing something you dislike to bring in the money which pays the bills which enables you to go back to work another day to bring in the money which pays the bills ... or maybe you can get off the treadmill and go another direction.

Recently I had a conversation with one of my friends about what she really wanted to do with her life. After she told me I asked "why don't you start doing that", she said "I'm waiting for the right time." I said "Life is short. And life is not just about being comfortable - its about living out your passions." I wish I could communicate this better, but it's something that I think is one of the most important reasons why we are all so uniquely gifted and have such different interests and personalities. God wants us to use our talents for his purposes and to find fulfillment and happiness. And its so sad that many people get stuck and never do connect with the thing that will give them the highest sense of purpose & passion.

I often use this analogy; Life is a puzzle and we need to find all the pieces to our jigsaw puzzle. We don't always know what's going to go where, you don't know where the pieces are but you do know that you need to keep looking for the pieces and try and figure out where they go.

I'm in my mid 40's and know that I could live a long life or a brief one, there are no guarantees for any of us. So whenever my time comes, I want to ensure that I lived a life doing what I love most and loving the people in my life to the fullest.

I was watching a tv talk show the other day, the guest was P. Diddy and he said; "If you are chasing your dreams ... RUN FASTER!" I thought that was pretty cool. But I don't think it means "do more," what I think what it means is do what matters or at the very least, we should make sure we are running in the right direction.

So that concludes my little reality check for where I'm at. And here's a little treat for you as you journey on towards your dreams; It's a clip from The Pursuit of Happyness starring Will Smith from a few years back, I've posted a little snippet from one of my favorite scenes from the movie. Enjoy!

** If you came in via Facebook, you'll need to head over to my blog @ to see the video clip **


Sharon G said...

Just me again, Comment Stalker :)

Yeah, taking advantage of every moment, that is a large thing. You know that ever since I got sick (thinking I was going to die) I made a promise to God. I said "Even if I am not dying (now) I will still live with the knowledge that I am (cause I am)"

That is where I through caution out the window. I too speak to many people about living the way they feel God wants them too, but most people always come up with a million reasons "Why not", or "Why they can't".

But you see, I would have said the same thing. My life changed dramatically so I HAD to change my focus and the way I "used" to know life. So the fact that I got Lupus, AH, the best spiritual thing that has ever happened to me!

When I first saw this movie I was going through some really tough battles. I felt like no one was listening or for that matter cared what I had to say cause it was only "Sharon" talking and what does she know. As tears POURED out of my eyes, I pulled up my big girl panties and said "DO IT ANYWAY!"

Don't get me wrong, I still fall on my face all the time. But at least I do it in a forward motion.

Thanks for you encouragement. Hope to get down there again soon! Chicano Park is waiting for us to play more. I got years to make up :)

Sophia said...

Hi Comment Stalker aka Sharon LOL!
Thanks for your comments and thoughts. I really enjoy hearing how your journey is going. I'm very proud of you =) Can't wait until our next visit!