Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Let the dance begin ...

I read an interesting post on Jesus Manifesto today, the title is "The Global Crisis and the Violation of Beauty". I'm highly persuaded by this awesome perspective and call to action! Here's an excerpt from the ending ...

Let us invite beauty into our midst with parties. Let us give our most prized possessions away to the poor. Let us empty our homes of anything that remains unused and unstewarded. Let us repent when we merely consume but do not replace with something beautiful and precious. Let us be reckless in our gift giving. Let us envision a future where there is no lack because there is no hoarding.

Let us look for the beautiful in our enemies. Let us rename the flaw and the broken with magnanimous names of lavishness. Let our only debt be that of love and may we be reckless and wasteful in our welcoming of the stranger.

Let the dance begin!