Sunday, March 29, 2009

Thrifty Treasures ...

I had a few minutes yesterday to stop by a roadside flea market, while I was there I picked up these cute little vintage treasures for only $1.75. The glass jar actually goes with a set I already have, so now I think I have all the sizes. The basket is in my favorite color of 70's avocado green and the crewel embroidery is dated on the back; circa 1974.

Now I have to decide what to put in the jar, maybe my loose cardamom tea leaves. Hmm, I think I'll go make myself a cup of tea now and think about how to spend the rest of my weekend. Hope you're having a good one too!


Sharon G said...

OMGoodness! That is my napkin holder. Or at least one that looks EXACTLY like the one when I was a kid.

Sophia said...

Oh that's what it's for. I was going to use it to store some vintage patterns, but I like the idea of storing napkins - how cool that you remember yours =)